Saturday, October 11, 2008

Double Dot

It was Double Dot's turn to be "pampered" with a bath. He thoroughly enjoyed the water (really, he did!) He never moved a muscle while the water poured all over his back and face. Of course, he managed to keep his trademark "sober" expression.
Double Dot likes to be active -- even when it's time to eat. We put water in a small, clear plastic storage box and DD likes to lie down beside it and pat it with his feet. He watches the water slosh, but won't pat hard enough to make it spill! Smart fellow...

Double Dot appears thoughtful and serene at times. He's learned to shake hands and wave, like most of the others. Because they will be big dogs one day, we try to get them to wave instead of jumping up. They tend to wave and shake best when they see food coming! But, we generally reward them with an ear rub -- they all really like that!
Double Dot has found a home near Roopville.

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